Monday, October 13, 2008

Make-A-Map due date

All classes, except Period 1:

Make-A-Maps are due on Monday, Oct. 20. (Periods 2,3,4,6)

Period 3 & 4 will have time on Tuesday to work in class, and then the maps will be sent home for completion.

Period 2 & 6 will be seeing Ms. Ryan ( and Ms. McNabb, and Mr. Jones and myself) tomorrow
to work on thesis statements. These two classes wil be permitted to work on their Make-A-Maps on Wednesday.

With class time as well as a 3 day weekend, students should have no trouble finishing up their maps.
I actually had one student want to turn his/hers in today. I won't say who, but his/her initials are A. O...:-)

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