Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friday~VOTE day...also...Ms Ryan is coming for Pd. 2 & 6

All classes took the assessment today, and all classes will be voting tomorrow.

I have a little mock election for my classes just over there-----> in the right margin.
Ms Ryan is running a school-wide Presidential election just to see how Patapsco student voters mirror the voters nationwide.
In 2004, PMS students had Bush beating Kerry by just a little bit.
The national % was Bush-50.7% and Kerry 48.3%--so we were close!

We will tally the 6th grade votes Friday before school dismissal, so students will know who won if they are watching the returns on Tues. evening.
7th and 8th grade "precincts" will report to Ms. Ryan, and the grand total will be available on Wednesday.

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