Sunday, October 26, 2008

All classes~plus a lil' extra for Periods 2 & 6

All classes- End of quarter assessment this Thursday.
As mentioned in class, 20 multiple choice, 2 BCR's. I am putting together a study
of sorts. Use your *starred* drills to give you an idea of the topics, i.e., if
you have a starred drill about timezones (and you do!)--you should be familiar
with what timezones are, where in our world and country it is earlier/later, etc.
Also, drill check on Thursday--just a matter of having your drill book up-to-date, and with you--easy points if you've been staying on task this quarter!

Period 2 & 6

Ms. Ryan, Monday, October 27

you you have this date already~just a friendly reminder!
When in doubt, check the PMS History Day link on the PMS website

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