Friday, October 31, 2008

Mock Election Results are in!

6th grade totals: Obama/Biden - 135
McCain/Palin - 58

Schoolwide Totals: Obama/Biden - 292
McCain/Palin - 135

There were several student who chose not to vote, or voted for Nader (Ind.), Mickey Mouse (one was in my class), and me-- I actually received a vote from my 6th period class. Having not selected a running mate, I'm glad that I was not elected...and as it was a secret ballot, I can't give that voter any extra credit, 'cause I don't know who you are....sorry! :-)

Soo.... schoolwide the % breakdown is Obama~68%

Check the results Wednesday AM and see how close--or far off--we were

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friday~VOTE day...also...Ms Ryan is coming for Pd. 2 & 6

All classes took the assessment today, and all classes will be voting tomorrow.

I have a little mock election for my classes just over there-----> in the right margin.
Ms Ryan is running a school-wide Presidential election just to see how Patapsco student voters mirror the voters nationwide.
In 2004, PMS students had Bush beating Kerry by just a little bit.
The national % was Bush-50.7% and Kerry 48.3%--so we were close!

We will tally the 6th grade votes Friday before school dismissal, so students will know who won if they are watching the returns on Tues. evening.
7th and 8th grade "precincts" will report to Ms. Ryan, and the grand total will be available on Wednesday.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

All classes~plus a lil' extra for Periods 2 & 6

All classes- End of quarter assessment this Thursday.
As mentioned in class, 20 multiple choice, 2 BCR's. I am putting together a study
of sorts. Use your *starred* drills to give you an idea of the topics, i.e., if
you have a starred drill about timezones (and you do!)--you should be familiar
with what timezones are, where in our world and country it is earlier/later, etc.
Also, drill check on Thursday--just a matter of having your drill book up-to-date, and with you--easy points if you've been staying on task this quarter!

Period 2 & 6

Ms. Ryan, Monday, October 27

you you have this date already~just a friendly reminder!
When in doubt, check the PMS History Day link on the PMS website

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pen Pal letter due dates

Period 1- due tomorrow- Thursday, 10/23

Period 2,3,4,6-due Friday, 10/24

Just a few reminders:

*does not need to be typed, but if your computer writes neater and spells better than you do, I would prefer it! :-)

* 2 details from the chart: male life expectancy, kilowatt hours of electricity/person, etc.
you don't have to choose from just the columns that we filled in.
Describe why you think your country is developed/developing using
the data from the chart with creative examples.

* country can't be the U.S. or South Korea--only Nigeria, Bangladesh, or Venezuela.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Make-A-Map update

I've had a few requests regarding the Make A Map project, due Monday, Oct. 20 (Periods 2,3,4,6)
I have posted portions of a sample map (click on image to enlarge) from last year as a visual reference. From top to bottom they are the legend, country, and capital city.This is the general class map--Period 2 & 6 have specific requirements regarding placement of landforms/bodies of water.

Reminder: Period 3 & 4-- Five questions and their answers on the back of your map.
Periods 2 & 6--Environmental issue and realistic solution on back of your map.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Make-A-Map due date

All classes, except Period 1:

Make-A-Maps are due on Monday, Oct. 20. (Periods 2,3,4,6)

Period 3 & 4 will have time on Tuesday to work in class, and then the maps will be sent home for completion.

Period 2 & 6 will be seeing Ms. Ryan ( and Ms. McNabb, and Mr. Jones and myself) tomorrow
to work on thesis statements. These two classes wil be permitted to work on their Make-A-Maps on Wednesday.

With class time as well as a 3 day weekend, students should have no trouble finishing up their maps.
I actually had one student want to turn his/hers in today. I won't say who, but his/her initials are A. O...:-)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Homework update

PERIOD 3 & 4: World Map due tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct. 8~Open Map quiz!
Please don't forget your map!

Period 2 & 6:
We're still presenting .ppt's
Ms. Ryan in tomorrow--bring your orange History Day parent meeting (Monday,Oct. 13) sheet--regardless of your parent(s) ability to attend!
World map (due) & quiz are Monday, Oct. 13

Period 1: Make-A-Map, being started in class, will go home tomorrow to be finished.
This will be due on Monday, Oct. 13.


My "B" day seminar,( Stock Market Game) got to make their initial investments today!
All the trading is done online, and students can--and are encouraged to--trade at home after consulting with their team. Investor teams are made of up 3 students to prevent any tie votes.

Click here to go to the Stock Market Game login page.

When students decide to purchase a stock, they need a 2-1, or 3-0 vote to do so.

With the current state of the market, I think breaking even would be considered a success.
We just have to keep repeating to ourselves "It's only a game, it's only a game..."

As all good investors, our mantra is "buy low, sell high", we're just trying to determine how low is "low"...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Assembly changes plans

The PTA sponsored an assembly today that presented the dangers of smoking.
It was pretty lively--a rap artist, several dancers, lots of student participation...ask your son/daughter if they got on stage...there were about 12-15 students at one point!

Consequently, Period 2 was 12 minutes long, and Period 3 was 20 minutes long.
I've made some adjustments in class regarding due dates, which I mentioned to classes today.

Period 2 & 6: World map due and world map quiz for now due Monday, Oct. 13.
Review 5 Themes for quiz

Ms. Ryan will be in Wednesday, October 8--do you owe her
something? Bring it!

Period 3 & 4:
World map due and world map quiz still due this Wed., Oct. 8.

Period 1
: You folks are doing great, right on schedule.

Friday, October 3, 2008

End of Quarter Assessment date

Social Studies classes ( Mr. Kenney and I) are giving the 1st quarter Assessment on
Thursday, October 30

The asssessment will consist of 20 multiple choice questions and 2 BCR's (paragraph answers).
We will review in class and I will provide a review packet as well.
Students *starred * drills also serve as a study guide for topics on the assessment.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

History Day links~ Periods 2 & 6

All the information you will need for History Day--FAQs, forms, links and samples-- can be found on the Patapsco Media Center website.

Homework update

Period 1-None (students took world map quiz today--grades available tomorrow)

Period 2- Ms. Ryan is in Friday, 10/3--have your topic for History Day!
Five Themes of Geography .ppt and article due Mon. 10/6
World Map due Wednesday, 10/8, map quiz
Make-a-Map begun in class today due date TBD

Period 3- World Map due Wednesday, 10/8 map quiz

Period 4- World Map due Wednesday, 10/8 map quiz

Period 6- Ms. Ryan is in Friday, 10/3--have your topic for History Day!
Five Themes of Geography .ppt and article due Mon. 10/6
World Map due Wednesday, 10/8, map quiz
Make-a-Map begun in class today due date TBD