Thursday, March 5, 2009

3rd Quarter Project assigned today

All classes were assigned a project today which will be due on Monday, March 23.

Period 1,3,4 are researching endangered African animals for a contemporary issues project.
Several student heard "animal" and immediately wanted to research pandas, chinchillas, etc. I stressed in class and will stress again here: African and Endangered. We will select tomorrow in class, but students were asked to think of their top three choices tonight so hopefully one will be available when it is their turn to pick (I'm doing a random lottery).
Periods 2, 6 are researching tribes in SubSaharan Africa. The selection list was distributed today, and tribes will be selected tomorrow, by lottery. Students were encouraged do a brief background on a few tribes tonight so that they would be able to have a preference when it was their turn to choose a tribe. (I will be doing a lottery with students to allow everyone an equal opportunity to select a tribe.) Each tribe may only be done by one student--or two if they are partners--in each class. For example, Zulu in Period 2 and Zulu in Period 6 is ok.

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