Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Much of the work we have been doing recently in class has involved using almanacs (Middle East economy packet, computers (creating iMovies) and group work (the aforementioned as well as other assignments).

Pd 2 & 6: if you are doing revisions for your 1000 word paper they are due to me by Friday, 1/16. Please attach the grading rubric with your earlier grade to your revisions.

*End of quarter assessment is on Wednesday, 1/21. Students will receive a study guide on Thursday. This is for the student's benefit--it is not a homework/graded activity, per se. But the end of quarter assessment IS graded, and completion of the study guide will definitely help with that score. The guide covers more info than the assessment--the assessment may look easy by comparison.
I will be able to provide answers/clarification in class or via email until about 10pm on Tuesday, 1/20.

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