Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vocabulary Quiz~ All Classes! + Blog only extra credit!

All classes have a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, 12/10.

In keeping with my "one week notice" policy, all classes were informed today.
All classes will be given a crossword puzzle for homework on Thursday, 12/4--which will be due on Friday, 12/5.

This grade will not be reflected on the interim reports, as I have to have those grades recorded by Tues., 12/9 to go home Thurs., 12/11.

Extra credit questions~ you need to answer both for the points.

1. What is the man at the top of this post called?
2. What is he doing, specifically?

(Hint: I've mentioned it several times in class and I have a similar
picture in my room)
You must email your answer (as always, from a parent account, or from your account with a cc: to a parent) by Sunday, 12/7, 8pm. These points will be included on the interim.

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