Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pyramid video update

We discussed the building of Egyptian pyramids in all classes today. Here is a clip from a more current video that I mentioned in class which presents Houdin's "Internal Ramp"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Social Studies class update

It's been a few days since my last update--here's what is happening:

All classes took a vocabulary quiz last week, most of the scores did not make it into my gradebook before the progress report deadline--so the progress report that went home today is outdated (for better or worse). Students may see me near the end of class or on the way to lunch if they would like a more current grade sheet.

Recent classwork activity has been groupwork--(Mesopotamia timeline) so there has not been assigned homework.
We are currently investigating ancientEgyptian civilization and comparing/contrasting it to the early civilizations in Mesopotamia (Sumer, Assyria, Akkadian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Persian). Students should be able to name at least one achievement from each--if you're a parent reading this, ask your child. If you're a student, you can just answer quietly to yourself! :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Homework crossword puzzle

All classes have a vocabulary crossword puzzle for HW-due tomorrow.
One difference with this crossword is that 2 and 3 word answers have a space between the words on the crossword grid.

I hope this isn't too confusing.

Period 2 and 6 need to turn in their History Day final paper--all of the parts, including:
Thesis proofs
Visuals w/ captions
annotated bibliography

on Monday, Dec. 8.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vocabulary Quiz~ All Classes! + Blog only extra credit!

All classes have a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, 12/10.

In keeping with my "one week notice" policy, all classes were informed today.
All classes will be given a crossword puzzle for homework on Thursday, 12/4--which will be due on Friday, 12/5.

This grade will not be reflected on the interim reports, as I have to have those grades recorded by Tues., 12/9 to go home Thurs., 12/11.

Extra credit questions~ you need to answer both for the points.

1. What is the man at the top of this post called?
2. What is he doing, specifically?

(Hint: I've mentioned it several times in class and I have a similar
picture in my room)
You must email your answer (as always, from a parent account, or from your account with a cc: to a parent) by Sunday, 12/7, 8pm. These points will be included on the interim.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Black Saga competion upcoming!

Do you know Black History? Do you like to compete?

Black Saga competion is coming!

All middle school students are encouraged to enter the Black Saga competition--see any Social Studies teacher or Ms. Ryan immediately for information.

We will have a school-wide competion in January, with the winner advancing to the county level.
Ms. Ryan will provide instructions as well as coaching and study time once a week.