Friday, August 29, 2008

No Homework

No homework assigned over the Labor Day weekend.
However...all classes did begin working on vocabulary in class today--all words are to be defined by Thursday, Sept. 9/4.
All definitions can be found in textbook (index,glossary) or dictionary.
Reminder: if using a dictionary, choose the definition that is related to geography.
Example- a legend is part of a map as well as a story/fable.
Email me if there are any questions

--Some students asked if they could type their definitions-sure, but by no means required!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. O,
Ryan Huyett, my brother told me that you have the homework posted on the website(the actual sheet). I'm just writing to verify that. Please tell me in class this Tuesday. It would be very helpful.
Quentin Huyett