Friday, August 29, 2008

No Homework

No homework assigned over the Labor Day weekend.
However...all classes did begin working on vocabulary in class today--all words are to be defined by Thursday, Sept. 9/4.
All definitions can be found in textbook (index,glossary) or dictionary.
Reminder: if using a dictionary, choose the definition that is related to geography.
Example- a legend is part of a map as well as a story/fable.
Email me if there are any questions

--Some students asked if they could type their definitions-sure, but by no means required!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dead Sea pic

We talked about the Dead Sea on Thursday in class--and saw a picture in the text (pg.421) of the "floater".
Here is a picture of some of the salt on the shore of the Dead Sea (nearly 10x saltier than an ocean!)

No homework tonight, Thurs. 8/28

There will be no homework tonight.
There is a historic event taking place at the Democratic National Convention--Barack Obama accepting his party's nomination (7pm) that should be on many channels (C-Span for one).
This is not required viewing, just an FYI for those students interested in the political process--and you know who you are!

We will be holding a mock election prior to the General Election (Tues. Nov 4)
In 2004, the Patapsco results had George W. Bush narrowly defeating John Kerry.
It will be interesting to see what happens this year!

(Equal time department: John McCain will be making his acceptance speech next Thursday, September 4)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Textbooks have been issued!

All students were issued a textbook today. They were instructed to take it home, and keep it there until June. I have a class set of books that we will use at school, so that will save some locker space/backpack space. Parents please check to see that a book resembling the picture above has made it home with your child.

The picture above may also be handy in June, when trying to remember what the book looks like :-)

As mentioned in the Parent letter, we will only be studying part of the world in 6th grade, though the book contains the whole world. Using the book as a guide, we will be covering information in Unit 1, 5,6,7,8. We will also be using a variety of texts and other materials in class.
Please email me if you have any questions. Click here to email me

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reminder: Grading Policy letter

I mentioned this in class several times Monday, but many students wanted to "hand in" their signed letters anyway... :-)
Students are to keep their signed letter in front of their Social Studies section of their binder throughout the year. This will makes it easily accessible for parents/students to refer to.
I will also scan/post a copy to my website, as well.

Homework, 8/26, due Thurs., 8/28

All classes are to complete the Sixth Grade Writing Prompt, due Thursday, Aug. 28.
It should be a one page, descriptive essay. Handwritten is fine for this writing assignment, though you may type/print if you wish.

Reminder: Students do not have to write about Africa, Asia, or the Middle East.
I mentioned these on the prompt--and in class--as these are our areas of study this year and I'd like to know who my "experts" may be!

As stated, students are free to write about the "coolest" place wherever they may have been--it may be in Maryland!
I am interested in seeing writing style, as well as skill. Please remember to use C.U.P.S.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Homework Mon., 8/25

All classes are to get the "Parent Letter" signed for homework.
Parents, this is a 2-sided overview of my class/grading policy.
Students are asked to keep it in their binders to refer to throughtout the year.
I will be scanning a copy and posting it on my website, when our scanner gets connected.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Please check the survey!--->

Periodically, I'll post a survey just to see what's on 6th graders minds.
You may select one (or more) answers from the first survey over there ----> in the right margin.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome 2008-09 6th Graders!

If you're reading this, you either: a) paid attention during class
b) read your Grading Policy (homework) letter
c) both of the above

I'd like to welcome sixth graders and their parents to my 2008-09 blog!
Throughout the year, you will find important information here, including:
homework, project due dates, as well as classroom/school news that relates to social studies.
I also periodically post "blog-only" extra credit questions here. This means that your responses must be emailed. When emailing me or any teacher at Patapsco
Middle, please remember the school policy is to send a cc: to your parent/guardian's email account or just use their account to respond.