Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Important ~ Period 2 & period 6

Period 2 and Period 6-

In addition to the open map quiz on Monday, 6/1, you will have a portion of the quiz which is "closed map". For this you will need to know the location of the following countries/physical features:
North Korea
South Korea
Physical features-
Plateau of Tibet
Gobi Desert
Mekong River
Gulf of Tonkin
Hong Kong
Indian Ocean
Huang He River
Java Sea

I'll select 5 from each column for you to identify on a blank map.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

All classes HW due Monday, 6/1

All classes have a 3 map packet which is due on Monday, 6/1.
We will also be having an open map quiz on Monday, so students MUST bring their maps if they hope to do well.
ALL classes--4th quarter Asia projects are due on June 10th--they will be presented on June 10,11,12.

End of quarter assessment is on Tuesday, June 9. We will be reviewing in class, and students should pay particular attention to the *starred* drills.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Vocabulary due Monday--5/18 (as well as "Gandhi"--see below)

All classes got started with vocabulary today.
All words are in the new text (the book at home), but some are not in the glossary or index.
Check pages 600, 656, 683 and 703.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Homework due Monday, May 18

All classes are completing an organizer about Mohandas Gandhi, based on pages 611-613 in the textbook.
Additionally, most students have questions to answer based on Gandhi's quotes.
This is due Monday, May 18.

Monday, May 11, 2009

4th quarter Asia culture project--all classes

All students selected a country today to research for their 4th quarter project.
There are 24 countries available and they were assigned via a lottery system.

The five students who were absent will have to select from the remaining countries when they return.

The project focuses on the culture of these South, East,and Southeast Asian countries.
Specific directions and requirements have been provided (2-sided sheet, distributed today) for each of my classes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

HW--All classes-due Fri., 5/8

All classes are to finish the "caste system" pyramid that was begun in class.
3 sentences describing each level of the caste system should be completed already.
4-7 sentence paragraph on the back of the pyramid explaining how your life would be affected if you were a member at one of the levels (Things you could do, things you couldn't do, decisions that were automatically made for you, etc.)
NOTE: about 20% of my students have already completed and turned in their parents, if your son/daughter says they finished their HW in school, it's possible that they did... :-)

Monday, May 4, 2009

H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K---All classes-Due Tues., 5/5


All classes are to complete the acrostic using the notes that we completed in class--15.4-15.8.

The acrostic uses the word: "Hinduism", and students are to write a relevant phrase or sentence using one of the letters in Hinduism as the first letter.
Some students are permitted to write a word instead of a phrase or sentence--they have that designation on their "Hinduism" worksheet.

Friday, May 1, 2009

No homework over the weekend

No homework for all classes over the weekend.
We're are studying Hinduism and the creation of the caste system.
Next week we'll also look how Buddhism came to be.

This Just In....End of Quarter Assessment will be on Tuesday, June 9.