Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Homework--due Thursday, 4/30

All classes are studying the Indus River valley civilization of Mohenjo~Daro.
We began working on organizers with partners in class today, and some groups have already finished the note-taking portion of the assignment. This must be completed in class, due to the supplemental text book we're using (only 22 available).
All students are to complete a "Dig It" magazine cover for homework for Thursday, 4/30, using the 3 artifact drawing from their organizers.
A "Dig It" template has been distributed to nearly all students. Those who do not have it will receive it tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2009

All classes-MAP QUIZ on Monday

All classes will take the South Asia map quiz on Monday, 4/27.
Student MUST bring their map packets (3 maps) to help them on the quiz, as well as to turn them in after the quiz.
These are the same maps that I checked for completion on Friday--some students did not have their maps with them. PLEASE bring them Monday, you'll do much better on the quiz!

Friday, April 17, 2009

All classes HW, quiz update

Welcome to the 4th quarter!
We'll be covering a sizeable portion of Asia--24 countries---in just several weeks.

First, we'll examine South Asia--the region dominated by India.
In early May we'll shift our focus to East Asia (China, Japan, N. & S. Korea),and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, etc.)

All classes have a vocabulary puzzle for HW due Monday, 4/20. It is based on the definitions which we started last Tuesday. The vocabulary quiz is this Wednesday, 4/22--for all classes.
All classes have a 3 page map packet which we began on Thursday,4/16. The map packet is due Friday, 4/24.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All classes HW due Friday, 4/17

All classes have vocabulary words that are to be defined by Friday, 4/17.
We've been using several of the words in class and some we've used earlier in the year (archipelago and sediment).
Additionally, students will be given a crossword puzzle on Friday,with definitions simliar to the ones that will be on the quiz.
Vocabulary quiz for all classes was announced yesterday, (Tues.). It will be on Wednesday, 4/23.
Students are encouraged to study for 20 minutes each evening--not waiting until Tues. night!

Blog Only Extra Credit-- Name the man at the top of this post--(he's a "vocabulary word")--.
Send answer by 8 pm Sunday, 4/19 via email to
Mr. O's Extra Credit

Friday, April 3, 2009

Period 2 & 6 African Independence assignment


Due to technical difficulties we could not connect to the server today (Fri) to transfer .ppt slides relating to African independence (Pd 6).

I printed copies of Pd 2's .ppts but due to the "switched" schedule today--I did not see period 2 as originally planned--so these were not presented, but I will grade the printouts.

I will just consider these an ungraded assignment for Pd. 6.

Some days technology is great, and other days are like today...
Have a great spring break!