Friday, February 20, 2009

Homework Due Monday 2/23

John Venn

All classes have a writing assignment for homework this weekend.

Period 1 is the only class that many students have already completed and turned in the assignment.

Period 1,3,4- Include the East/West African kingdom Venn diagram with your BCR.

Period 2,6--Attach your three sheets in this order: 1)Big Dig in Millineum Island (instructions and organizer sheet), 2) the map of "Millineum Island" with a point marked to dig, and 3) a letter to Dr. Artifact explaining why your selected spot is the best place to dig.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pd 2 and Pd 6

Countries and Physical Features to know for quiz on Friday,2/13

Chad, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana,
Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda, Somalia, D.R.C., Equatorial Guinea

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Congo River, Namib Desert, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, Victoria Falls,
Gulf of Guinea, Niger River, Orange River, Kalahari Desert

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vocabulary quiz next week

Today all classes were told of the vocabulary quiz scheduled for next Wednesday, 2/11.
All classes have completed the definitions and/or crossword (Pd 2 and 6 get the crossword on Thursday) --those few that haven't have a "Social Studies Homework Missing" stamp in their agenda book on Monday or Wednesday.

Students are encouraged to study several minutes each evening--not to wait until Tues. night :-) .

I have a .ppt review that I will show in class, and will also try to post here as well.

Above is a pic of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. In Sub-Saharan vocab, remember it is a "cataract".

Monday, February 2, 2009

Homework, 2/4--History Day update

History Day presentations went very well today. We had lots of judges from around the school, as well as some VIP judges from outside the school- Dr. Mark Stout, Bob Coleman, and Arden Stara--HCPSS secondary Social Studies coordinator, middle school Social Studies resource teacher , and high school Social Studies resource teacher, respectively.

Homework for Periods 1,3,4--complete the vocabulary crossword puzzle for Wednesday, 2/4. We will go over the words in class and there will be a quiz next week. I will not collect the puzzle, as it should be used as a study tool.
Period 2 and6. Vocabulary definitions 1-34 will be due on Wednesday, 2/4. Those classes will have time in class Tues to work on definitions, as well as make sure they have they entire list--due to absences, sectionals, History Day, etc.