Friday, November 14, 2008

MENA Map quiz Thursday, 11/20

All classes will have a MENA map quiz this Thursday, 11/20.

Students should make sure that they bring their 3 maps on Thursday.
The quiz will be "open map", for periods 1,3,4.

Periods 2 and 6 will have a portion of the quiz where they may use their maps, however the first part will be 10 questions based on 5 physical features and 5 MENA countries that I will select from the following list:

Countries/Physical Features
Iraq -- Red Sea
Iran -- Suez Canal
Saudi Arabia- Euphrates River
Bahrain -- Tigris River
Qatar -- Aswan High Dam
Israel -- Lake Nassar
Yemen -- Sinai Peninsula
Libya -- Blue Nile
Jordan -- Atlas Mountains
Syria -- Persian Gulf

Thursday, November 13, 2008

MENA Map game

Here's a fun map game if you're up for a challenge:
Click here to link to the Middle East/North Africa map game.

Activity Day, 11/14

Friday is activity day, which means my classes will be about 33 minutes each.
We will be meeting in the computer lab, to practice with Comic Life, a program that we will be using next week. We will be creating comic pages based on our notes of the Stone Age and the beginnings of civilization in Mesopotamia.
I've posted a a sample of Comic Life here--with just a few random pictures--to show what the finished product could look like.

Monday, November 10, 2008

MENA map update

In an effort to make sure all classes have an equal opportunity to complete their MENA map packets I have decided to extend the due date until Thursday, for ALL classes. The only exception is period 2-due Friday (since I will not see them on Thursday due to Safety Day, and I will only see them on Friday for 5 minutes due to the meteorologist presentation).

All classes were told of the adjusted date today in class.

Friday, November 7, 2008

2nd Quarter update~ Ms. Ryan in on Monday, 11/10

All classes are working on several MENA maps (climate/resource, political and physical).
All classes are in various stages of completion.
The climate map was started in class and can be finished at home using the map above although Sudan will have to be completed in class. Click on the map, it gets HUGE! .
The map packet( 3 maps) will be due on Wednesday, 11/12--all classes except Period 2 (because they took part in the smoking survey). Period 2 map packets will be due on Thursday, 11/13.

Period 2 & 6
: Ms. Ryan will be in on Monday, 11/10.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2nd Period~Important!

Tomorrow--Thursday, 11/6 is the tobacco survey--my Period 2 students and two other 6th grade classes will be involved in this survey.

The green permission slip needs to be returned only if a student is not taking the survey.
I haven't received any permission (opt out) slips yet, so I'm assuming everyone is taking the survey.

2nd Quarter begins!

We started our 2nd quarter material today--looking at the M.E.N.A. (Middle East/North Africa) region.
The text book calls it "Southwest Asia and North Africa"--it's the same place.
All of the countries we'll be covering are listed on the map above, with the exception of Sudan (the large country just south of Egyt) and Iran (the large country just east of Iraq).
Students have a climate/resource map that must be completed in class, because the proper climate map is not in the text book that they have at home. It is not for homework.
When all three (3) maps have been distributed, I will assign a due date for the map packet, as well as a quiz date.